If you don't get it then you better know! 
Bryan Greenburg redeems himself from PRIME (which i have grown to like, i even have it on DVD) and makes you forget that shit film he did with Scarlett Jo and Chris *urgh* Evans and (if anyone even remembers) that One Tree *my lord when will those damn forsaken kidults skip town already!*Hill series...

Anyway - HITMIIA (doesn't really work does it?) or HTMI as i will now refer - is all about the life of 20-somethings in the cool melting pot of New York City.
Produced* and brought to us via the same dudes who did Entourage (RIP...really just stop now) How to Make it in America is a comedy-drama. Unlike the high drama, crazy hungry for fame and Hollywood former, though undoubtedly similar in context, HTMI is about the struggle to make a name for yourself in a world that seems to be rolling down a shaft, with everyone you know, but you, enjoying the ride. 
 Its shot well, the soundtrack, which had me downloading Cam'Ron's Oh Boy,  is a mix of old and new - just like PRIME -  and the cast is made up of an array of cool, young and funny tings (KiD CuDi, Lake Bell, Shannon Sossamon and Luis Guzman) plus the original young sassy thing *and the reasoning behind my blog title* - MARTHA PLIMPTON (going to have to do a post on her) is in it, and she has the best lines 4 sure.
The title montage and the glorious Aloe Blacc theme 'I need a Dollar' just epitomizes the cool, urban, vibrancy that the show tries to encapsulate - and It pulls it off to a T. 

 Watch the titles after the Jump Ya'll 


I love this show, because, firstly, I can completely relate - i am living it. Right now the world is young and bursting at the seams with creative talent and the want and need  to make a name for ourselves, showcase what we have to offer. This generation is desperately trying to step out of the 'golden years' - or like i like to say every other decade's - shadow. 
So its inevitable that everyone is doing Fashion, Film, Art, Writing, Music and so on...and its frustrating that those making it are people you know. 
But HTMI is also about the American dream - but no worries -  its an underlying subtext that isn't shoved down your throat - if anything the two leads trying to make it, Ben (Greenburg) and Cam (the so so cute Victor Rasuk),  get in to their own fair share of tribulations.  

HTMI = to be young is not to give up, but that reckless, arrogant, naive with a fuck it and fuck off attitude doesnt always get you anywhere, but can get you pretty far if you persist and have the passion. Its the untold survival guide that allows the rest of the young world to see how the grafters of New Yorkers do it.Aside from that you get to see just how cool NYC life is. Seriously. If I could I would live there - I would, and all for a shoe box apartment where i could invite too many friends and listen to hip hop and rock all niiiiiight 

My qualms would be that its 30 mins - what the hell? but maybe its a blessing in disguise - any longer would drain on its live fast in NYC feel perhaps? I dunno, its a refreshing half n hour sitting comfortably and not too closely between the annoying ludicrous drama of Gossip Girl and the 'workplace reality' of The City. Actually scratch that - when you watch this you get the same glossy feeling you get from watch SATC, you know, that feeling that you could buy the BOX set watch it over and over and still dip in to the reruns on Channel 4.

If that isn't enough sexy cool Bryan Greenberg and cheeky cute Victor Rasuk are easy enough to watch, and for the boys - there's the hotness of NYC ladies including the sexy hot Lake Bell.

*Can I just take this time to RATE Mr Mark Whalberg please? He has been on top of his game, despite all the jokes people used to make about Marky Mark. At the time he was okay. Granted, looking back he wasn't much of a rapper - leave it to your bro Donny and the NYKOTB Mark - and he had a shady gruesome past, but he's risen from the ashes, and been in the game longer than most, whats more, the man gets better with age. 

I can honestly say that i havent seen him in a bad role on camera - and if the movies been bad (MAX PAYNE) it wasn't down to his acting talent. Plus like hello, HBO the best for US drama like love him! and so do I.


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