The ever up-to-date and beyond girls from 4 BALLERiNAS WITH MACHETES have sourced this new hip hop heavy Khleo and yes I agree - he definitely has 'IT'.
Initially I thought - this video is low grade fanboy crap... but actually (and more fool me...I work in the business I know its not wise to judge before the Jump!) its raw talent as it always is - at its best. None of that Mo Money (tuuuune dont get me wrong) glossy, mini budget movie / music video these so called hip hop and rap artists are fans of (I look at you 'Fiddy' and you yes you T.I are one of the worst)
A good old, stripped down 'this is me - just listen' video - Khleo as you may (if youre a compulsive film geek like) or may not recognise is this kid
Not Shia obviously - the cute kid that (SPOILER) ends up with his long lost mammy at the end of the fab film HOLES.
Anyhoo - it's been a few years, kid's grown in to a boy/man, signed by Souljar Boi's ppl and here he is bringing his own - ready to take the hip hop up a notch via the young generation so used to asforementioned popular (dont want to say rubbish cus it is what it is and its doing something right) Hip Hop dominating the mainstream charts. If he's signed to Soulja Boi & Co then I'm sure they'll be pushin those honeyz type vids - but this kid doesnt seem the type...meh we'll see. For now just know that he's good.
I'll be checking out his mix-tape : life's a cartoon
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