...when your on the tube, or train etc and it pulls up at a station, peeps get off, they get on etc, then the platform guard (or whatever they're called) announces for everyone to stand back because the doors are about close, then the *b-b-b-b-beeep* sound kicks in then the doors start to shut?
Well I've always thought that was perfectly adequate timing and procedure to allow people to use their ears, eyes and common sense in order to safely enter and exit the carriage. So it's always bugged me why some suit decides at the last beeping second that he/she is sprightly enough to jump through the closing doors before the tube moves on.
I mean - maybe its like some secret game or maybe its the best part of these numpties days? I mean when the alarm bells ring, is it really worth potentially risking your life and most definitely your dignity just to get caught in between the closing doors? I mean its so embarrassing right? why do that, on a train full of people, who then have to choose to A) help the idiot who got stuck and B) pretend that they didn't notice for the rest of the journey fair, i always thought. I'm always the one to laugh first...mainly out of sheer embarrassment for the culprit/ victim.
That is a lesson learned.
It was but two weeks ago upon returning from a lunch date with a good friend that jumped on the Central Line to Bond street, where I would then change for the Jubilee Line to Southwark (home)
As I had my wedge boots on, I was feeling pretty long legged and..sprightly.
So as I cat-walked down the escalators to the platform I saw a crowd of people approach from the other direction. Clearly a tube had just pulled up, but I wasn't in the mood to run for it. I hate running, or I thought I did until a few second later.
When I got to the platfor I noticed the tube was still there. People ran passed me, but with the doors wide open, and the passengers already standing inside watching me, I was too proud to run...''its going to close in a second, dont do it Alex'' I repeated to myself.
But that voice is like something devilish, because to me, that voice sounds like it wants me to do the opposite. So naturally I started power walking towards the open doors.
I could see from the look of one passenger who had ran passed and successfully and UN-embarrassingly jumped on, that I was on a fools errand. He backed up to give me some room and to rightly protect himself from my inevitable collision.
Now I was wearing wedge boots, so yes my run was a little retarded, but I was so sure I was going to make a clean entrance.
That's when the *b-b-b-b-beeep* came. 'What...' the ever present 'voice of regret' voice in my head hollered. 'What about the platform guard's (or whatever) announcement...? he announces before the doors make a sound!'
I felt cheated, but I couldnt stop running, and one last leap saw me high jumping like an Olympic athlete on to the carriage...the doors swiftly closing behind me. I was home free.
No. No I wasn't. My bag hadn't made it (if only I'd worn the strap over bag...) and the whole tube stopped moving because of moi. I struggled to yank the bag through the unrelenting doors, and it eventually took a man in a suit (laughing may i add) to help yank the doors open and free my bag (which i was awkwardly still carrying over my shoulder.)
So never will I laugh or judge any civilian who suffers the consequences of running at the last minute for a tube. When you think you can make it, the adrenaline kicks in and suddenly your invincible. I've been on the other side and I didn't like it.
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