She entered the room like what had passed hadn't - this was because she went back in time
I have been outside enjoying the sun in London Town, playing with the girls (and boys ...yes) and trying to actually live this wonderful step up of a year that has proved itself again and again after my rant on the dire depressing 2009 state we were all left in.
Since then I have set and reached personal goals
I have seen the departure of old friends, made some very good longer lasting ones methinks and I'm generally more happy and confident here and now.
In other less selfish revelations - We here in GB have a new government -
I'm not going to go on i dislike the conservatives - and this coalition is hilarious! however I am going to say that there is no light in the forseeable future for Britain though it was long before the current government in power's fault that we're in this mess we have to really hit the bottom before we can rise again, but this great nation will no thanks to you David moon face Cameron urgh
In other news - we all became GLEEks - the high -LARIOUS musical highschool drama brought to television (ala singing detective et al) what High school musical (ala every musical movie before 2000) brought back to the movie world - musical driven dialogue.
It was (is) brilliant, ridiculous, emotive programming - something that stood out from the vampire ridden, sex driven, pill popping, gun toting dramas crowding the airwaves.
LOST finally got LOST and left our home boxes after 6 years! eeeeek
It rounded up with what I thought was a satisfying and sad/happy end. Having started off as an avid fan when the show was on terrestial (not limited to the SKY viewer urgh) then i got confused, frustrated and lost (hehe) my way. So in the month of MAY I made an effort to watch them back to back in my personalised Alex Catch up Schedule - a backlog of tv programmes i have to catch up on. Its amazing. When you have that many to watch, and you know that you dont have to wait for the TV to dictate when you get to see it - you become a semi-recluse and the addiction you once harboured for TV starts all over again. I fell back inlove with LOST last month and i was devestated the affair came to an end last week. That horrid feeling of empty when you've spent your spare moments turning to see Sawyer, Locke, Jin (a personal fave) or even that damn Desmond and start to realise you love/hate these characters because you've got to know them - I've know the characters of LOST for the same amount of time i've known some of my best friends!
I did however make new obsessions which i will put up on the REVIEW soon
The World Cup began - and as I speak I have just witnessed the only African country left in the game (which also happens to be the country my parents are from!!!) GHANA 2 - USA 0 HA!
England play against the formiddable GERMANY EEEEK - its safe to say its been a WORLD CUP to remember - held in the beautiful nation of AFRICA, there have been some suprises - the top teams are crashing out or under performing ... but meh - as long as England stay and Ghana win the whole thing (hey its an African thing mehn) Im easy about the debates.
Michael Jackson has been dead for a year now - and this time last year i was in a field surrounded by music...and i miss it. But im not looking back in sadness - im lucky
There are some new totties on the block tv and off (hehe ...oh woe, its really not that cool)
London got hotter and I got in to style.
Kylie Minogue came back with a corker of a track, i just realised Madonna is a bit of a legend (listening to her right now)
I fell out of love with the Hills and the anti - hero Kristen Callivari.
I have an unexpected girl crush on Roxy from the City - she is so funny and sweet
Pixie Lott redeemed herself to me
and Between Two Lungs has made it to the ultimate desert island disc list for me...epic things man...
what else happened since my absence?
It will all have to be shared with you over the next coming days/months ...but Im going to try and be good now. ...
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